Destiny Discover

Access our Destiny Library Catalog to search for books and a variety of other media by clicking on the Destiny logo below.  To log into your Destiny Library Account, see the instructions below the Destiny logo.

Destiny Discover

Logging into Destiny Discover

Click on the Destiny logo above.

From the library catalog page, click "Log In" in the upper right hand corner.

On the left side, click to sign in with your Google account.  
If you are already signed into Google on that device, it will log you in with your Google account credentials.

If you are not already logged into Google on that device, you will need to use your Google log in credentials to fill in the username and password boxes.

What can you do with your Destiny library account?

You can place holds on books - simply search for a book of interest from the catalog page.  Once you have found a title, click on the title of the book (blue font).  From the choices on the right, click "Hold It."  I will then receive a message to reserve that book for you.

You can check your fines, see what books you have checked out, and find the due dates for any books you have - once you are logged in, click "My Info" from the blue toolbar across the top of the screen.  Now choose "Patron Status" from the menu choices on the left side of the screen.  You can also see what books you have checked out in the past by clicking the "View History" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

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