Media Guidelines

Media Guidelines
The Orchard Farm R-V School District recognizes the important role the media plays in reporting news and information about its educational programs, services, students, and employees. The Office of Communications promises to provide information about the District in accurate and timely manner.

Media Requests

Media who want to film, photograph or interview staff members, students, or board members are asked to make a request through the Office of Communications at 636-925-5400 ext. 5462.

Visiting Our Schools
Anytime a member of the media is on District property, the Director of Communications or designee will serve as an escort to minimize disruption at the school and to assist with additional requests.

If you would like to visit a school, please contact Jim Dreyer. We will work with your schedule, as well as that of the students and staff in order to ensure that your visit is a successful one. Keep in mind that our schools participate in early dismissal days, standardized testing and school-wide events that may prohibit your visit on a specific day. 

Photographing or Interviewing Students

We are glad to help you find the correct resource for your story and arrange an interview time. The Orchard Farm R-V School District operates in compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 

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