Our History

The Orchard Farm School District is a public school district in St. Charles County, Missouri that was formed on February 14, 1959. The first school year serving students began in the fall of 1959, utilizing facilities in three area schools.The current main campus of the district, located at 2165 Highway V, was purchased in the fall of 1959 with a building opened to serve students in the fall of 1960.

Today, there are three schools on the main campus: Orchard Farm Elementary, Orchard Farm Middle School, and Orchard Farm Hi
gh School. Discovery Elementary is located off Highway 94 and our new OFHS is located off Highway B. Thanks to the support of our community and their overwhelming approval of the no-tax-increase bond issue in April 2014, a new Early Learning Center opened in August 2016. In April 2018, voters approved a no-tax-increase bond issue to expand two schools (ELC and OFMS), increase security, and update aging infrastructure.

Prop G was passed in 2020 and included the construction of the new Orchard Farm High School, located at 2555 Highway B. It opened it's doors to students on January 17, 2024. With the support of our community, Proposition E passed and a construction of a new elementary will begin soon with a finish date of August 2026.

While the enrollment in our school district is currently reaching new heights (2,100 students and growing), the attendance growth is something that we have experienced a few times over the history of the district. Our school district, roughly 125 square miles, nestled in the fertile farming ground between the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, has risen in enrollment only to see dramatic reductions following a major flood in 1973 in addition to the Great Flood of 1993. Over the last decade, new developments like Charlestowne and New Town, situated along Highway 370, have contributed significantly to our increase in enrollment.

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