Funds can be added to your student’s lunch account by credit card and echeck by logging into your My School Bucks account. Parents have the option to setup automatic payments, make one time payments and set low balance reminders.
New to My School Bucks? Follow these steps to create an account:
- My School Bucks:
- Select login in upper right hand corner
- Select Register Now
- Enter your email address
- Complete the information on the next screen (Name and Mobile Phone Number)
- Next, select Get Started to select Orchard Farm School District.
- Once the district is added you will be able to add students to your account.
After you add your student(s) to your account you will be able to add funds to your student’s meal account and set balance reminders.
My School Bucks Support is available to help with any issues you may have with creating an account or adding students.
Ph: 855-832-5226